Tuesday 30 December 2008

Words of wisdom

Billy Rohan: "I'm not making any money out of skating, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna quit skating and get a track bike and find myself"

Gratuitous Moomins picture

Snoopy and Linus (and Lucy) throw down

Louie Barletta

For no other reason than I think I saw Barletta hanging outside the Deerhoof gig at ULU recently. Should have said hello - but then maybe it was just some random guy with a pudding bowl haircut and a jazz beard (or a "Bepe" as my friend Alex calls them).

Economy Wolf triple whammy

Once upon a time I was in a band called Economy Wolf. We made 2 or 3 singles which got released, and an album that didn't because we split up - but there's talk of it seeing the light of day in 2009. We'll see ..

Mount Allen, directed by Max Hattler

Max (and Johannes) again ...

Highlights from a gig at the ICA supporting Brian DeGraw (Gang Gang Dance) and Alexis (Hot Chip). Song is an alternative version of Yellow Kudra

These Are Powers – Chipping Ice

Can't believe we missed them back in November. Damn ... love the collective coughing fit

Panda Bear – Comfy in Nautica

One of our favourite tracks off The Person Pitch + Clark Hassler skating & Pat O'Dell directing – doesn't get much better

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Francoise hardy

Tous le Garcons et le fils video. So good.

Happy Xmas

Federico and Maja, in Sweden and apparently taking care of business

Monday 22 December 2008